Come worship with us in person, or watch online! Join us for a worship service led by our Music Minister Eli Lopez and our Chapel Choir that combines modern songs and traditional hymns into a multigenerational experience. Pastor Alan Grisham will preach from God's word each week & we invite you to join the conversati
Walking into an unfamiliar place can be overwhelming. Our greeters are stationed on the sidewalks and at entrances to help you find where to go and to answer any questions you may have.
Wondering what to wear? What are you comfortable in? Most attendees dress casually, while some prefer a jacket or dress. It's up to you!
Parking is an issue we are working on! We have convenient handicap accessible spots up front and folks available to answer any questions you may have.
Nursery, Preschool and Kids Bible Study times begin at 9:30am in the Family Life Center and are led by caring teachers who love sharing God's word with His littlest worshippers.
Bible Study classes for Junior High and High School Students are located on the 2nd floor of the Family Life Center and begin at 9:30am.
Opportunities for adults to join bible study at 9:30am with groups of women, men, couples or co-eds can be found on upper and lower floors around our educational space.
Copyright © 2022 First Baptist Church - All Rights Reserved.
600 East Commerce 903-322-4332