Check out this great video showing the future of First Baptist Church in Buffalo, Texas.
Our new building will have two new areas called Hubs, one on the south side and one on the north side. Within the Hubs, we can congregate and fellowship before and after our service. The South Hub will have brand new ADA accessible bathrooms for both Men and Women. Both Hubs will also have counter space for refreshments.
Renovating and updating of our Sanctuary, updating the décor, lighting, and audio-video technology. Our desire is that the Sanctuary becomes a facility of excellence and relevance for Gospel ministry in the 21st Century.
The new building will include an elevator that will open up into the FLC allowing congregants to access classrooms upstairs more easily.
The new building would include a new secure check in area for children, one new children’s classroom, a new nursery room, a restroom within the secured area and a new office for our children’s minister.
The construction will also add two new classrooms. Both rooms will have whiteboards, TVs and speakers and internet connections.
Four brand new offices for the staff will be included in the new building. This would allow us to renovate our old offices spaces and turn them into classrooms.
Building and planning for the future requires wisdom, faith and obedience. We are so excited about the unique opportunity God has provided for through our Faith, Family, Future campaign. This a significant time in the life of our church. If you would like to help us fulfill the vision of our church, "Called to Care" then click the button below.
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600 East Commerce 903-322-4332